Imperial Buildings - AMP Capital

Formerly home to two picture theatres, the Imperial Buildings were bursting with character and ready for redevelopment. Match worked to identify an optimal masterplan for Louis Vuitton and Gucci into two Queen Street facing flagship boutiques.


Project specifics

Size: 800 sqm

Key Achievements (unique challenges): Curating Auckland’s first luxury flagship cluster and rightfully restoring two heritage buildings.

Workstreams: Master planning, tenant mix and specialty retail leasing

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TenancyMix.png Imperial Buildings - AMP Capital
RetailLease.png Imperial Buildings - AMP Capital

Gucci_ImperialBuilding.jpg  Imperial Buildings - AMP Capital

“Over 5 years, Match assisted us with redevelopment advice helping reposition the former Kermadec premises post the 20 year lease expiry. Following an international leasing campaign, match secured 3 quality tenants which has breathed new life into the Viaduct ahead of the next Americas cup. Key to the successful outcome was the open & honest communication & strong determination that achieved a win:win scenario for all stakeholders.”

Phill Andrews, Director, Viaduct Quay Holdings Limited

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Match Realty Limited
Licensed Agent (REAA 2008)